No matter how you decide to support ALSM, please know that we appreciate all that you do to help us continue to touch lives each day that span the generations! Thank you for your support.

Ways to Give
Memorial & Honorarium Gifts
A gift in memory of a family member, friend or colleague is a special tribute. Honoring a living individual with gifts in his or her name is another means of ensuring that those in need will be served.
Tree of Life & Brick Paver Memorials
You may wish to leave a lasting memory of a loved one through an inscribed golden leaf placed on our Tree of Life Memorial. You can choose a memorial any of our residential communities in Hollidaysburg or Pleasant Gap.
Our Hollidaysburg community also offers the opportunity to inscribe the name of a loved one on a brick to be placed on a walkway near The Lutheran Home at Hollidaysburg.
Special Events & Appeals
ALSM hosts an annual golf tournament to raise funds for benevolent care; sponsorship opportunities are available at various levels. In addition, we send appeals by mail throughout the year to help raise funds to enhance the quality of life for those we serve.
Gifts of Securities
Gifts of appreciated securities are encouraged and provide tax benefits to the donor. Examples of gifts include stocks, bonds and mutual funds.
Planned Gifts
A variety of deferred gift options such as bequests, living trusts, life income gifts and life insurance, as well as opportunities to make cash gifts pledged over a period of years, are available. Planned gifts provide opportunities for individuals to leave a legacy that will touch future generations.
Many individuals may not be in a financial position to make an outright gift during their lifetime, but provisions in their will can convey their wishes to an organization of their choosing. We encourage you to consult an attorney in the preparation of your will and to supervise its execution to make certain it comply with state requirements.
Endowment Gifts
Gifts to endowments are made with the restriction that the principal may not be expended. Instead, it is invested to provide a steady income for the continued benefit of ALSM and its many programs. The minimum amount for a named endowment is $10,000.