Reopening Plans: Implementation Plan for Reopening The Lutheran Home at Hollidaysburg Implementation Plan for Reopening The Lutheran Home at Johnstown Implementation Plan for Reopening The Oaks at Pleasant Gap
Greetings! Our spring holidays (like every day for the past several weeks) have continued to focus on social distancing, temperature monitoring, quarantines, Zoom meetings, and virtual worship; and we now have the...
Allegheny Lutheran Social Ministries (ALSM) will host the 23rd Annual ALSM/First Commonwealth Bank James V. Meadows Memorial Golf Outing, on Monday, July 27, at Scotch Valley Country Club in Hollidaysburg. Last year’s...
Greetings! Happy Easter to you and your loved ones. As we face our Easter festivities with our friends and family on a virtual basis and without the grand feast, I thought it...
Greetings of the season! “But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2:19 What does the word “treasure” mean to you? To me, it means counting...
Greetings! It is hard to believe that another year has passed and I am sitting here in front of my computer framing yet another message of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is the holiday that...
Advent Blessings to you! It’s that time of year where Allegheny Lutheran Social Ministries publishes our annual Advent Devotional Calendar. This year’s theme is ‘Celebrate Wonder and Joy!’ Please click this link...
Allegheny Lutheran Social Ministries (ALSM) will host the 22nd Annual ALSM/First Commonwealth Bank James V. Meadows Memorial Golf Outing, on Monday, July 29, at Scotch Valley Country Club in Hollidaysburg. The outing...
Your support and voice is needed! Join with ALSM and others from across the state to tell our legislators that our seniors and their care matter. If you are seeing this post,...